Best Picture Nominees Ranked

1. Marriage Story

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Noah Baumbach knows what he’s doing, not just behind the camera, but especially on the page. Marriage Story is sincere, uncomfortable, and hopelessly romantic. It works because it’s a movie about love, but one that is real rather than a delusion of grandeur.

2. Parasite

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Parasite is pretty straightforward plot-wise, but that allows for its characters to develop a complex series of interloping layers. It’s a rich discourse in the nature of wealth and the behavior on both sides of the wealth gap. There’s not a beat that doesn’t work.

3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

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This movie is gratuitous but QT has earned it, and he knows how to manage it. Perhaps the most laid back of the BP nominees, it also feels the most heartfelt. Tarantino is examining himself and the industry he’s chosen in spectacular fashion.

4. Little Women

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Greta Gerwig is passionate about the source material and she’s equally passionate about telling deeply personal stories. More than that, she’s committed to bringing each of the March sisters to life in a meaningful and individual way.

5. JoJo Rabbit

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I wouldn’t have nominated this for Best Picture, but that doesn’t mean it’s an inferior movie. Rather, it’s a self-assured, emotional romp that highlights the absurdity of the morally obscene. It’s funny, yes, but made from a place of reverence and care.

6. Ford v Ferrari

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What is friendship? The film answers this question while diving into the heated world of racing and the power struggle between a once-great automaker and the next best thing. It’s a helluva lot of fun and it has some solid emotional beats along the way.

7. The Irishman

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Pacino and DeNiro are at the top of their game playing several generations of themselves. However, I didn’t connect with the story and felt it was a little unnecessarily gratuitous towards Scorcese’s usual beats. It’s good, but I wouldn’t call it great.

8. 1917

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It’s beautiful and a technical marvel, but it feels rather empty emotionally. We spend nearly every frame with Schofield but what do we really know about him or, on a deeper level, ourselves. War is bad, but this movie doesn’t reveal any nuanced horrors of its own.

9. Joker

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This movie is entertaining and its shot beautifully… BUT there is nothing here. It’s an empty, shouty void that has nothing profound to say.

The loudest voice isn’t necessarily the most prolific, and just because you hint at depth doesn’t mean depth is there.


These movies are better than at least half of the nominees and should have been given some sort of recognition. Do yourself a favor and check them out.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

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This movie is made for you, no matter who you are. It’s an intimate story about how we love and how we want to be loved. Tom Hanks kills as Mr. Rogers.

Uncut Gems

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I’ve thought about this movie more than anything else I saw last year. It’s tense, it’s funny, and it’s an intricate exploration of addiction, the need to win, and our need to matter.

The Farewell

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This movie is absurdly hilarious, but it’s equally painful. Families are tough, and so are the expectations -good or bad- that they have for us. The Farewell is an ode to the bonds between us and how they can hurt just as much as they heal

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